EDE 8173
Mapping out a social
studies unit
Step 1: Decide on a unit topic (worth 100 points).
To decide on a unit topic look through the MS Social Studies Framework grades
5-8, look through the NCSS Standards document, and think about what interests
you. Your unit will be for 10 days so consider that when you choose a topic.
My topic is:
To test your topic, answer these questions (one paragraph
each and provide references to support your answers- you can write in first
a. How does your topic link to the MS Social Studies
Framework? (25 pts)
b. How is your topic interdisciplinary in nature? (25 pts)
c. How does your topic support the larger goals of social
studies? (25 pts)
d. How can you make your topic relevant and interesting for
your students? (25 pts)
You will submit this in Blackboard under the Unit Topic
Step 2: Unit template/
outline (worth 100 points).
1. MS Framework competency(ies) and objective(s): (Should be
identified in step 1)
2. CCSS Objective(s): Scan the appropriate grade level for
you unit plan and identify at least two CCSS language art or Social Studies/history
objective that you can incorporate into your unit (this may change later when
you write your PASS Unit plan). (10 pts)
In the NCSS Standards document go to the Learning
Expectations for Middle Grades (Chp 5). These are organized by theme (there are
ten). Choose the themes (no more than two) that most interest you and will help
you build your unit. Skim the Questions for exploration, knowledge, processes,
and products and see if you can identify one or two questions, one or two
pieces of key knowledge, one or two processes you could include, and one or two
products that your students could create to illustrate their learning.
3. Themes: How do these themes support your unit topic and
make them interdisciplinary? (10 pts)
4. Questions for exploration (10 pts)
5. Knowledge (10 pts)
6. Processes (10 pts)
7. Products (10 pts)
8. Briefly describe what your students will be doing in the
unit including key resources/materials that you may use and products they will
create that you will assess (this should be about one and a half page long-
double spaced, 12 point font). Imagine you are explaining to a friend, parent,
or other teacher what you plan to do for the next two weeks. This is your
vision for the unit. (40 pts)
Remember it will include
at least one lesson that incorporates primary sources and one lesson that
includes a dramatic strategy so plan accordingly.
Step 3: Resourcing
your unit
1. Search the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary
Sources website and find primary sources to support your unit.
a. What MS Framework does it (do they) support?
b. What CCSS objective can be taught using the (these)
primary sources?
c. How do these primary sources contribute to the content
knowledge in the unit?
d. How do these primary sources help students further
understand the unit topic?
e. How will you use the primary source in a lesson to support your unit
goals? Briefly describe the lesson. What are the objectives? What learning
activities will the students do? How will you assess the students?
Answering these questions will help you write your primary
source lesson plan. The instructions for the primary sources lesson plan are in
Blackboard. It is worth 100 pts).
2. Create an annotated book list of resources to support
your unit. (100 pts) (See the instructions and grading rubric in Blackboard).
One goal of this learning activity is to find sources that will help you focus
on aspects of diversity in your unit plan. You will also write a lesson plan
outline (not a full lesson plan) for one of the books you include in your list.
This lesson will be one of the lessons in your unit plan.
3. Identify other resources that you will need to teach your
unit plan (both student and teacher resources). You will include a resource
list in APA format in your unit plan.
4. Write your PASS Unit
Plan (100 pts). See the format,
instructions, and rubric in Blackboard. Steps 1-3 should have you prepared to
write your unit plan. Remember that you must have one lesson that includes a
dramatic strategy (you will write the entire lesson plan for the dramatic
strategy for another assignment), one lesson that includes one book from your
book annotations (in that assignment you will complete a lesson plan outline),
and one lesson that is based on primary sources (you will write this entire
lesson plan for another assignment). Your lesson plan is for ten days. For each
lesson you will write a brief description (see the example).
5. Write dramatic
strategies lesson plan (100 pts). One of your lessons in the unit must
include a dramatic strategy. For this lesson you will write the entire lesson
plan and submit it separately in Blackboard.
6. Write primary sources lesson plan (100 pts).
One of your lessons in the unit must include primary sources. For this lesson
you will write the entire lesson plan and submit it separately in Blackboard.
You will be graded using the TIAI lesson plan rubric.
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